Insurance on Bsit

Since 01/05/2024, every sitting organized on Bsit benefits from insurance, yet another reason to use Bsit!

In summary

The Bsit insurance covers:

  • the Sitter for any accident to, from and at the place of babysitting
  • any injury or property damage by the Sitter

The Bsit insurance does not covers:

  • activities that aren’t related to babysitting (e.g. mowing the lawn, cleaning, DIY jobs, etc.)
  • work carried out in the United States of America or Canada without prior declaration on your part and after written acceptance by the insurer

It is therefore essential to organize, schedule, start and stop your sittings via Bsit.

WARNING: in Belgium, a "Gens de Maison / Huispersoneel" insurance is compulsory if you employ someone, even once a year so check with your broker!

More details

Insured amounts:

Accident cover for babysitters

  • Death, sum insured: €25,000.00 per victim
  • Permanent disability, sum insured: €50,000.00 per victim
  • Medical expenses, sum insured: €5,000.00 per victim

Legal protection cover

  • Insolvency of third parties, sum insured: €15,000.00 per claim
  • Criminal defence and civil recourse, sum insured: €50,000.00 per claim
  • Advance on compensation, maximum: €20,000.00 per claim

  • Operating cover: €175.00 per claim
  • Entrusted property cover: €175.00 per claim
  • Post-delivery cover: €175.00 per claim
  • Accident cover for babysitters, medical expenses: €150.00 per insured party and per claim
Even more details

Insurance certificate




For any issue, do not hesitate to send us an email at, we'll be in touch shortly!

